Are you tired of struggling with complex keyboard shortcuts and searching for keys on the keyboard? Speaking Access is here to revolutionize the way the visually impaired interact with technology, while boosting your confidence and ease of use! Our intuitive, easy-to-remember voice commands like "zoom in","zoom out 3 times", and "cycle through views" are designed with natural language in mind, making your computer experience a breeze.
Experience seamless real-time dictation, larger fonts, high contrast, and audio feedback that informs you about symbols, capital letters, and selected spelling – perfect for enhanced visibility. Say goodbye to the steep learning curve of screen readers and embrace the power of Speaking Access. Simply select the text and say "read selection" or "proofread selection" for an elevated experience.
Be the first to know when our 7-day free trial becomes available! Subscribe today and join the Speaking Access revolution, making technology more accessible, enjoyable, and confidence-boosting for everyone.